www.gci.com – Pay Your GCI Bills Online


How to Pay GCI Bills

GCI (General Communication Inc.)

General Communication Inc. is also known as GCI. It is a telecommunication company. It operates throughout Alaska. It was first started in 1979. Headquarter of this company is located in Anchorage. It serves cable television service, wireline networking, and internet access.

GCI Bill Pay

If you are a GCI service consumer, then you probably want to know how to pay your bills. In order to pay your bills, you have to register on their official website.

If you are a customer, then you can access your account from your PC or from your mobile app. In order to access the GCI account, you have to register first. Here we will explain to you how to register and how to login to your account.

Rates and Tariffs

If you want to know about the rates and tariffs of GCI, then you have to follow these instructions:

How to Register

It is very easy to register for the GCI account. Through this portal, you can pay your bills. By following some very simple steps, you can easily complete the registration process. But for the first time, you may face some problems. In that case, you can follow these instructions to pay the bill:

  • First, you have to visit the official website of GCI.
  • Or, you can just click on this link www.gci.com. It will take you to the official website.
  • Then click on My Account.
  • Next, click on MyGCI.
  • After that, click on Sign Up.

GCi Sign Up

  • Enter your email address on the given box.
  • Then tick the box, I’m not a robot.
  • After that, click on the Continue button.
  • Then enter your GCI Account Number.
  • Enter the security word.
  • Then you have to enter the 5-character security pin.
  • Then click on the Continue button.
  • After that, you have to follow the prompted instructions to complete the process.

How to Login

If you already have an account in GCI, then you easily login using your login credentials. You may face a problem for the first time. You can follow these instructions to complete the process:

  • First, you have to visit the official website of GCI.
  • Or, you can just click on this link www.gci.com. It will take you to the official website.
  • Then click on My Account.
  • Next, click on MyGCI.
  • Enter your username and password on the given box.

GCi Sign In

  • Then you have to click on the login button.

How to Reset Password

A password is a very important credential. So, you have to keep remember your password. But, in any case, you forgot your password then you follow these instructions:

  • First, you have to visit the official website of GCI.
  • Or, you can just click on this link www.gci.com. It will take you to the official website.
  • Then click on My Account.
  • Next, click on MyGCI.
  • Click on Forgot Password.
  • Enter your username on the given box.
  • After that, click on the Submit button.
  • If you still facing some problems regarding your password, then contact the local store or call at 800-800-4800.

How to Reset Username

If you forgot your username, then you can follow these instructions:

  • First, you have to visit the official website of GCI.
  • Or, you can just click on this link www.gci.com. It will take you to the official website.
  • Then click on My Account.
  • Next, click on MyGCI.
  • Click on Forgot Username.
  • Then enter your email address on the given box.
  • After that, click on the Submit button.
  • Then follow the instructions to reset your username.
  • If you still facing some problems regarding your username, then please contact the local store or call at 800-800-4800.

How to Pay Bills

There are several ways to make GCI bill payment:

Online Payment:

In order to pay your GCI bill online, you have to follow these instructions:

  • First, you have to visit the official website of GCI.
  • Or, you can just click on this link www.gci.com. It will take you to the official website.
  • Then click on My Account.
  • Next, click on MyGCI.
  • Enter your username and password on the given box.
  • Then you have to click on the login button.
  • There you can make your bill payment.

Pay in Store:

You can pay your bill in person. In order to find a nearest authorized location, you have to follow this instruction:

  • First, you have to visit this location www.gci.com/about/store-locations.
  • Then you have to enter your zip code or city name to find your nearest store location.
  • There you can pay your GCI bills.

Pay by Phone:

You can pay your GCI bill over your phone. for that, you have to dial 265-5400 in Anchorage or 1-800-800-4800 toll-free nationwide. You can make payment using your bank account.

Pay by Mail:

You can also make payments by mail. You just have to send you payment with all the required information to this below address:

For Mobile, Internet and Home Phone:

PO Box 99016

Anchorage, AK  99509-9016


PO Box 196609

Anchorage, AK  99519-6609


Never miss any bill payment with the auto-pay service. This will allow you to have your bill amount automatically deducted from your bank account every month. In order to use this service, you have to follow these instructions:

  • First, you have to log in to your GCI account.
  • Then from the overview or billing option, you can turn on the AutoPay option.
  • If you did not yet add any payment method, then you have to add a payment method.
  • You can add your payment method, using your credit card or bank account.

Also Read : How To Pay Your credit One Bill Online

FastPhone/Prepaid available Method:

  1. Paying Online:

In order to your bill through FastPhone service, you have to visit this link fastphone.gci.com. There use your login credentials to log in to your account.

  1. Pay Over Phone:

You can also pay through FastPhone service over your phone. For that, you have to call at 444-8100. Then follow the instructions to complete the process.

Contact Info

Residential Customer Service

In Anchorage: 907-265-5400
Statewide: 800-800-4800

Email: rcs@gci.com


Mon-Fri 8 am to 8 pm
Sat-Sun 9 am to 6 pm

Residential Technical Support

In Anchorage: 907-265-5400
Statewide: 800-800-4800


7 AM to 9:30 PM
7 days a week

Business Customer Service

In Anchorage: 907-265-5454
Statewide: 800-800-7754

Email: bcs@gci.com


9:30 AM to 7 PM
7 days a week
Closed on all major holidays

Business Technical Support

In Anchorage: 907-265-5454
Statewide: 800-800-7754

Email: businesstechsupport@gci.com


Open 24/7/365

Company Info

  • Website: www.gci.com
  • Mobile App: Not Available
  • Telephone Number: 800.800.4800
  • Headquartered In: Alaska
  • Founded: 1979 (40 years ago)

Reference link



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